Do your carpets need cleaning or are they worn out!
This area has been sun affected after a pot plant was removed. The moisture from the pot plant has allowed bacterial - Mildew to consume the natural fibers only synthetic fibers remain each vacuuming the fibers are extracted and the hole gets bigger until the unaffected fibers resist. This needs to be repaired.
This carpet has been bleach, a few drips from a bucket or spray. This cannot be cleaned but can be repaired.
This carpet can be restored through good carpet cleaning.
Cleaning or scrubbing carpet will lift the pile and extract the dirt and oil. It is amazing to see the carpet revived and returned to its former glory. Customers think the carpet needs to be thrown out, professional cleaning be Able Carpet Care will save an expensive purchase in most cases. Call 9562-7565 to arrange to have your Rugs, Carpets, Lounge Suite, Curtains or Tiles restored. Clean and Fresh