To assist with controlling Asthma we need to understand it. A doctors approach is part of the answer, cleaning will also assist to control the situation.
If you have asthma, it's important to carefully select an asthma specialist -- a doctor who understands respiratory problems and treats asthma -- as your health care provider. Here are some asthma specialists to consider:
Allergist. An allergist is a pediatrician or internist who has taken additional training to qualify as a specialist in allergy and immunology. An allergist specializes in allergies, asthma, and allergic asthma.
Ever hear the term "bronchial asthma" and wonder what it means? When people talk about bronchial asthma, they are really talking about asthma, a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways that causes periodic "attacks" of coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. According to the CDC, more than 22 million Americans, including 6.5 million children under 18, suffer with asthma today. Allergies are strongly linked to asthma and to other respiratory diseases such as chronic sinusitis,...
Internist. An internist is a doctor who specializes in internal medicine -- the study of diseases in adults, particularly those related to internal organs -- and who has completed three years of training after medical school.
Pediatrician. A pediatrician is a doctor who has three years of special training in the field of pediatrics after medical school graduation. A pediatrician can diagnose and treat childhood asthma.
Pulmonologist. A pulmonologist has taken two or three additional years of training following residency in internal medicine or pediatrics to qualify as a specialist in respiratory diseases. Some pulmonologists may get additional board certification in critical-care medicine.
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Therapist. While not a physician, this nurse or respiratory therapist is trained in pulmonary rehabilitation techniques and can provide asthma support and information on exercise and asthma, lung function, and stress and asthma. The pulmonary rehabilitation therapist can help educate you on how to care for your symptoms of asthma.
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