Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Spot Cleaning your carpets it a little like peeling an onion.

 A Spot or stain(S/S) on your carpet, rug curtain or Upholstery is just like an onion. There is particles in the S/S in the manufacture or particles that exist from the environment, let me give you some examples.

- oil is used to create a lot of foods we consume

- Trans Fats

- food colourings   

- Sweeteners

- Sodium

- Iodine fortification

- folic acids 

The environment of your carpet, rug, upholstery or curtain needs to be understood. 

- Pollution

- Pets

- Excessive cooking with oil creates a layer on the fibres

- Soil walked in from outside 

- Workers clothes who works in or near earth

So a Spot or Stain is not as simple one solution clean up in many instances it has many layers like an Onion that need to be removed. If the wrong layer is treated with an incorrect chemical, it may lock it into the fibre. Choosing a trained technician to clean or spot clean your fibres will reduce the chances of this occurring.   

Monday, November 09, 2015

Red Wine spill Carpet Chair or Rug. How to clean or who do i call ?

Wine Spills in your home look terrible and can be fixed.

 Australia has been built on wine and it is inevitable you may spill wine on your Carpet or Lounge suite or Rug.  

 The good news is in most cases the wine can be cleaned away, returning you precious item back to its original condition.

Simply mop up the stain with a nappy and call Able Fibre Care  to attend to your home and treat and clean the stain.
Weather the spill is on a couch,a rug or carpet, we can clean the product and get the best result.

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Carpet and rug Cleaning. Spot, mark, stain, burn and Spills. Red Wine, food, drink, Sauce, water damage these can all be redied and in most cases cleaned.

Since 1956 cleaning Rugs and Carpets
 No matter how you look after your Carpets and Rugs they will require an expert to clean and remove stubborn soil, stains, spots,  and serious  spills. 
Finding a professional fibre restoration company can be impossible. Able C. C. has been cleaning Rugs and Carpets since 1956 and prides itself as the best in the industry. Able C C is an approved Wool safe service provider and are a member of IICRC (institute of cleaning and restoration certification).   

 Relax and put your feet up while Abel C C cleans and deodorizes your  rugs and carpets, lifting the pile to give you the soft feel again under your feet. Removing the pet odours and stains from your home.

 Cleaning your rugs and carpets  is easy and improves the indoor air, you can breathe easy again with a fresh clean home or office. Your friends will notice the difference in your home or office. Cal Able C C today.

Clean up your Rugs and Carpets for Spring, get ready for the warm weather. You deserve a reward and a hand to clean those rugs and carpets, call now!

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Odours in Carpets and Upholstery. What can I do?

  Odours on carpets and upholstery can be removed and treated, you can try yourself use a trained professional. 

Combating Odors This article is supplied  and written by IICRC

Tips for Combating Common Household Odors

Summer is a time for vacations, barbecues, beaches, water sports and sun, but with that sunshine comes heat and humidity which can heighten malodors in homes and furnishings. To help combat summer odors, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most common sources of odors and tips for their removal.

One thing all odors have in common is they consist of gasses made of volatile compounds that evaporate into the air at room temperature. While odors are airborne, they always emanate from a source. The universal first step in fighting odors is source removal, but for clients with un-housebroken pets, this is easier said than done. Based on the types of odors you are experiencing, the IICRC recommends the following:

•    Pet odors: Pet odors are often caused by animal urine and fecal matter. People often underestimate pet odors by forgetting that they are cumulative. For this type of odor, the best process for removal is biological. Biological processes are based on genetically engineered bacteria that are activated with water prior to use. When applied to the carpet, the bacteria will produce enzymes which then digest the odors and staining, “eating” them away.

•    Microbial odors: These odors are often related to fungal amplification (mold growth) and are often the source of the “musty” smell found in basements. Permanent resolution requires removing moisture and can be as simple as installing a dehumidifier. In more serious situations, channeling water away from the foundation by modifying landscaping or adding French drains is also an option. For treatment of this type of odor and related staining, antimicrobial agents, which kill or inhibit the growth of microbes, is recommended.

•    Spilled gasoline: The best process for treating a small gasoline spill in the garage or a vehicle is source removal by ventilation, absorption and adsorption. To treat, place a fan where it will draw vapors out of the affected area and exhaust outside. Kitty litter can then be used to absorb (draw up) a liquid. After the vast majority of the odor is gone, strategically place a tray of activated charcoal adjacent to the spill where it will adsorb the remaining odor. Adsorption is a subtractive process because it removes the odor instead of adding something to it.

•     Skunk spray: To remove skunk spray odors, oxidation is recommended. By mixing one quart of three percent hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup of baking soda and one teaspoon of liquid soap, this solution will help break up the oils in the skunk’s spray, allowing for easier removal. The solution should be rinsed off with tap water.
Able Carpet Care is a registered IICRC firm.

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Carpet Damage can be cleaned but you must be realistic.

Carpet Cleaning of a damaged carpet can get satisfactory results. 

Cleaning you home and office carpets is a balance of removing soil and stains without applying too much chemical and agitating too hard causing more damage. 

A carpet is like any fiber it need regular maintenance 
cleaning, deodorizing or you will wear out, flatten and
allow it to become smelly.  

 Care for your carpet and clean it regularly with a vacuum, spot clean and have it maintained by a professional carpet restoration company. You carpet will look better, create a healthier environment for you and your family and last a long long time. It will actually save you an expensive replacement. 

 Clean and treat spots or they will become part of the colour of the carpet.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Cleaning your office carpets! What are the benefits to you?

 Cleaning your office indoor environment can be challenging. There is a lot of planning to be done.

- Time it can be done
- How long are you inconvenienced 
- What is the best way
- How do I benefit?

           It is important to remember why the carpets and upholstery should be regularly maintained and cleaned. The carpet is like a large sink that soil, spills, spots, cold/Flu germs, etc. You can ignore until the carpet is thread bare or just looks grotty but the important factor is how healthy is you office environment?
           Your office is a warm controlled environment which extracts the moisture from the air through heating and air conditioning units, the bacteria and fungus thrives in these environments and it is only with regular vacuuming, spot cleaning, disinfecting and general cleaning a buildup does not become a toxic haven in your work station. Carpet and Upholstery cleaning of areas Monthly, Bi Monthly, Quarterly, Half yearly and Yearly will assist to control the growth of these particles.

        Creating a safe work environment for you and your co workers. Your work chair absorbs odours from you body, drink and food spills. When you regularly clean upholstery you will feel cleaner and happier in your workplace. Cleaning carpet will lift you mood in a happier healthier indoor environment. The correct carpet and Upholstery cleaning method is paramount to achieve a healthy indoor environment.  

         A dry cleaning method will clean the tips  of the fibre and it dries fast but regular hot water extraction is required to clean the carpet properly, extract the build up of soil/stains and germs from the carpets and upholstery. Cleaning all the fibres during cold and flu season(winter) them followup in the H/traffic areas 6-8 weeks later with assist to ensure you have a clean carpet / upholstery and healthier environment.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

PET RUGS and Cleaning

Do you have a rug made with PET fiber, P.E.T. is -

Polyethylene terephthalate

Supplied by WIKIPEDIA 

The fibre is from the polyester family of man made fibres. 

A rug made from P.E.T is versatile and can be used in outdoor and indoor areas. 

These rugs can be cleaned and deodorised, it is important the fibre is dried correctly on a clean surface.

We have cleaned many of these rugs and returned their colours, I would suggest to not leave out in extreme cold or heat for many days the rug may get a cloudy white spots. 
These are great rugs, regular maintenance by cleaning every 6 -12 months will keep these rugs looking their best.